Photographer Captures Tiny Footprints From the Sky (PHOTOS) | The Weather Channel


Photographer Captures Tiny Footprints From the Sky (PHOTOS)

Motion graphic designer and photographer Mantas Bačiuška took to the sky to capture amazing textures of a frozen lake in Lithuania. (Mantas Bačiuška)
Motion graphic designer and photographer Mantas Bačiuška took to the sky to capture amazing textures of a frozen lake in Lithuania. (Mantas Bačiuška)

Textures aren’t only visible when you’re up close to an object, they can also be seen from the sky. “Everything from above looks so powerful and uncharted,” photographer Mantas Bačiuška told “Aerial photography at the same time can look like a macro world from a miniscule perspective.”

The 30-year-old photographer also works as a freelance motion graphic designer. Based in Druskininkai, Lithuania, he took advantage of the winter season to film its frozen landscapes. Despite the freezing temperatures, he and his wife—they work as a creative duo—waited for the perfect winter moment for their photo opportunity.


“Those lakes had to be uncovered from snow, but not fully melted to keep those footprints and wind gust lines visible,” he said. From the high angle, the viewer almost forgets what he or she is seeing. Take Bačiuška’s favorite photo, for example, which looks like a star map. “I was really impressed by frost textures from above.”

As stunning as the photograph is, handling a drone camera in harsh weather is difficult. “Freezing low temperatures like [-4 F] was a challenge to keep my hands and drone batteries warm and ready for continuous hours of filming,” he said. “Another thing is that as a pilot, you have to be in two places at the same time: on the ground and in the air, knowing your surroundings.”

For more of Bačiuška’s work, visit his website and follow along his aerial journeys through his Instagram.

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