Heat Wave Preparation: What You Need To Know |

Heat Safety & Prep

Preparing For The Upcoming Heat Wave: What You Need To Know


At a Glance

  • This could be one of the longest heat waves seen by parts of the affected region in decades.
  • Staying cool can be a matter of life or death; it's important to know what symptoms to look for.
  • As the situation progresses, it’s important to check the forecast and regularly watch for any official safety alerts.

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As we enter summer, a long-duration heat wave is expected to impact a significant portion of the United States. Likely record-breaking temperatures will expand from the Midwest and Great Lakes into the Northeast this week, potentially lingering through early next week.

This heat wave is notable not only for its intensity – though it will be intense – but also for its duration. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters say it could be the longest heat wave experienced by some of the affected locations in decades.

Ever wonder what's the difference between a “heat dome” and a “heat wave”? Here you go.

What You Need To Know Right Now

Meteorologists are predicting dangerous temperatures with highs soaring into the 90s, and the heat index may even surpass the century mark in some areas. The Midwest and Northeast will start seeing temperature spikes on Tuesday. For many, this will be the first major heat wave of the season, so it’s important to be prepared and informed.

How To Stay Safe During This Type Of Extreme Heat

Heat stress is the leading cause of weather-related death, causing more fatalities than hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning or flooding. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe when facing extreme heat:

-Stay hydrated: Drink lots of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Avoid sugary, caffeinated or alcoholic drinks as they can dehydrate you further. It's also a good idea to avoid very cold drinks as they can cause stomach cramps. And be wary: Overcompensating during hot-weather activity can lead to overhydration.

-Eat smart: Your health is on the line when facing weather extremes, and what you eat is important. Make sure you eat hydrating foods like watery fruits or vegetables. Even a fresh fruit smoothie with yogurt can cool you off. For more tips, visit this guide on reducing body heat.

-Avoid strenuous activities: Try to limit outdoor activities when it is extremely hot. Be especially wary of the hottest parts of the day.

-Wear light clothing: Go for loose-fitting, light-colored clothes to help keep your body cool.

-Stay indoors: Spend as much time as possible in air-conditioned spaces. If you don’t have AC, consider visiting places like libraries or malls. Some cities and towns facing extreme heat may even open publicly available “cooling centers” during temperature spikes. The National Center for Healthy Housing has compiled a list of cooling centers by state here.

-Check on vulnerable individuals: Make sure your elderly neighbors, children and pets are safe and cool.

Want advice from an expert? Here are the top three things an ER doctor says you should know.

Keeping Cool At Night

One big problem with the upcoming heat wave is that overnight temperatures won’t drop enough to provide much relief, which can be dangerous. Here are some tips for staying cool while you sleep:


-Use fans or air conditioning.

-Sleep with lightweight sheets and minimal bedding.

-Take a cool shower or bath before bed to lower your internal body temperature.

For more on why nighttime heat can be particularly dangerous, check out this video on the dangers.

Treating Heat Illnesses

Heat-related illnesses can range from mild to severe, presenting as slight dizziness or as something more severe, like unconsciousness or even death. It’s important to recognize the symptoms and know how to respond:

-Heat cramps: Painful muscle spasms that often occur during heavy exercise in hot weather. Rest and hydrate to end the cramps. Applying pressure may stop spasms.

-Heat exhaustion: Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, weakness, chill, pale skin, altered pulse, nausea or fainting.

-Heatstroke: This is a severe condition marked by a high body temperature — above 103 degrees — and hot, reddened skin with a rapid pulse. Those experiencing heatstroke may also display erratic or irrational behavior. If you suspect heatstroke, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately and try to cool the person down with cool cloths or a bath. For detailed guidance on this dangerous condition, refer to this page.

How can you tell if it’s heat stroke? Here’s what you need to know.

Auto Safety: Heat-Related Deaths

Extreme heat can turn a car into a deadly trap in a matter of minutes. Never leave children, pets or disabled individuals in a parked car, even for a short time. The temperature inside a car can quickly rise to levels leading to heatstroke or death.


More Resources And Safety Tips

-Heat index explained: Learn about the heat index and how it affects your body. Hint: it has to do with the combination of heat and humidity, a dangerous combination.

-Protecting your pets: Don’t forget about your furry, scaly or feathered family members. Heat waves can be deadly for pets; ensure they stay safe during the heat wave by following these pet safety tips.

-Dealing with power outages: Power outages during a heat wave can be extra dangerous. According to meteorologist Jonathan Belles, “Heat stresses compound over hours and days and can slowly lead to heat exhaustion and other heat-related medical issues. Lack of sleep due to uncomfortable living spaces can worsen these issues, too." Find out how to prepare for potential blackouts and stay safe by following these tips.

By staying informed and taking the necessary precautions, you can protect yourself and your loved ones during this extreme heat wave. Keep coming back to for live severe weather alerts, the latest heat forecasts and expert tips to keep you safe.

Based in New York, reporter Tim Harris is a digital journalist with a broad reporting portfolio that spans environmental science, lifestyle topics and breaking news.

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